Sztuka gotycka
Abbot Suger and St-Denis, ed. P. Gerson, New York 1986 online>>
Jarzewicz J., O dwóch niewielkich książkach… online>>
Sztuka średniowieczna polska
Jasiński K., Kielich płocki z pateną >>
Knapiński R., Rewindykowany kielich z patena ufundowany dla katedry płockiej…. >>
Nowiński J., Lapides vivi, Deus est lux, ecclesia est paradisus – kościół cysterski w średniowieczu nośnikiem znaczeń symbolicznych>>
Testard O., Le Porte Miegeville de Saint-Sernin a Touluse... >>
Malarstwo XV wieku
Coleman Sally Whitman, Hans Memling’s Scenes from the Advent and Triumph of Christ and the Discourse of Revelation >>
Dyballa Katrin, Kemperdick Stephan, A look back – Johannes Taubert and the investigation of the Miraflores Altarpiece >>
Gelfand Laur , Piety, Nobility and Posterity: Wealth and the Ruin of Nicolas Rolin’s Reputation >>
Hanley Stephen, Optical Symbolism as Optical Description: A Case Study of Canon van der Paele’s Spectacles >>
Husband T., The art of illumnation: the Limbourg brothers and the Belles Heures of Jean de France, duke de Berry >>
Mazurczakowa Urszula, Próba analizy czasu przedstawionego w obrazie >>
Streeton Noëlle L. W., Jan van Eyck’s Dresden Triptych: New Evidence for the Giustiniani of Genoa in the Borromei Ledger for Bruges >>
Trowbridge Mark, Jerusalem Transposed: A Fifteenth-Century Panel for the Bruges Market >>
Sztuka karolińska i ottońska
Gaehde Joachim E, The Bible of San Paolo fuori le mura in Rome: Its Date and Its Relation to Charles the Bald [1966] >>
Otto Rita, Zur stilgeschichtlichen Stellung des Arnulf-Ciboriums und des Codex aureus aus St. Emmeram in Regensburg [1952] >>
Powell Katherine B., Observations on a Number of Liuthar Manuscripts [1971] >>
Sztuka romańska
Conant Keneth J., The apse at Cluny [1932] >>
Buschhausen Helmut, The Klosterneuburg Altar of Nicholas of Verdun: Art, Theology and Politics [1974] >>
Denny Don, The Last Judgment Tympanum at Autun: Its Sources and Meaning [1982] >>
Denny Don,The Date of the Conques Last Judgment and Its Compositional Analogues [1984] >>
Forsyth Ilene, The Vita Apostolica and Romanesque Sculpture: Some Preliminary Observations [1986] >>
Hersey Carl K., The Church of Saint-Martin at Tours (903-1150) [1943] >>
Johnson Danielle, The Analysis of Romanesque Architectural Sculpture: Verifying the Steps of a Methodology [1989] >>
Kain Evelyn,The Marble Reliefs on the Façade of S. Zeno, Verona [1981] >>
Kenaan-Kedar Nurith, The Margins of Society in Marginal Romanesque Sculpture [1992] >>
McAleer Philip, Romanesque England and the Development of the Façade Harmonique [1984] >>
Nilgen Ursula, Theologisches Konzept und Bildorganisation im Evangeliar Heinrichs des Löwen [1989] >>
Sauerländer Willibald, Über die Komposition des Weltgerichts-Tympanons in Autun [1966] >>
Sauerländer Willibald, Spätstaufische Skulpturen in Sachsen und Thüringen. Überlegungen zum Stand der Forschung >>
Schaefer Herwin, The Origin of the Two-Tower Façade in Romanesque Architecture [1945] >>
Westermann-Angerhausen Hiltrud, Spolie und Umfeld in Egberts Trier [1987] >>
Werckmeister O.K., Cluny III and the Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela [1988] >>
Zarnecki Georg, Germanic Animal Motifs in Romanesque Sculpture [1990] >>
Sztuka gotycka
Bath Michael, Imperial renovatio Symbolism in the „Très riches heures„ [1987] >>
Beer E.S., Gothic: Origin and Diffusion of the Term; The Idea of Style in Architecture [1948] >>
Boockmann Hartmut, Bemerkungen zu den nicht polychromierten Holzbildwerken des ausgehenden Mittelalters [1994] >>
Cahn Walter, The Tympanum of the Portal of Saint-Anne at Notre Dame de Paris and the Iconography of the Division of the Powers in the Early Middle Ages [1969] >>
Clarke M. V.,The Wilton Diptych [1931] >>
Ehresmann Donald, Medieval Theology of the Mass and the Iconography of the Oberwesel Altarpiece [1997] >>
Fassler Margot, Liturgy and Sacred History in the Twelfth-Century Tympana at Chartres [1993] >>
Gaposchkin Cecilia, The King of France and the Queen of Heaven: The Iconography of the Porte Rouge of Notre-Dame of Paris [2000] >>
Gillerman Dorothy, The Clôture of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame: Problems of Reconstruction [1975] >>
Hinkle William M., The Cosmic and Terrestrial Cycles on the Virgin Portal of Notre-Dame [1967] >>
Hoffmann Konrad, Zur Entstehung des Königsportals in Saint-Denis [1985] >>
Kimpel Dieter, Suckale Robert, Die Skulpturenwerkstatt der Vierge dorée am Honoratusportal der Kathedrale von Amiens [1973] >>
Reuss Gabriella, ‚La Dame à la licorne': Tapisserien als Kunstform des aufstrebenden Bürgertums >>
Rickard Marcia, The Iconography of the Virgin Portal at Amiens [1983] >>
Sand Alexia, Vision, Devotion, and Difficulty in the Psalter Hours ‚Of Yolande of Soissons’ [2005] >>
Sauerländer Wilibald, Sculpture on Early Gothic Churches: The State of Research and Open Questions [1970] >>
Sauerländer Wilibald, ‚Antiqui et Moderni’ at Reims [2003] >>
Šedinová Hana, The Precious Stones of Heavenly Jerusalem in the Medieval Book Illustration and Their Comparison with the Wall Incrustation in St. Wenceslas Chapel [2000] >>
Sommers Wright Georgia, The Tomb of Saint Louis [1971] >>
Spitzer Laura, The Cult of the Virgin and Gothic Sculpture: Evaluating Opposition in the Chartres West Facade Capital Frieze [1994] >>
Weiss Daniel H., Architectural Symbolism and the Decoration of the Ste.-Chapelle [1995] >>
Wixom Wiliam D., A Gothic Madonna from Lorraine [1974] >>
Wixom Wiliam D., Medieval Sculpture at the Metropolitan 800 to 1400 [2005] >>
Malarstwo niderlandzkie XV w.
Carroll Margaret D., ‚In the Name of God and Profit': Jan van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait [1993] >>
Freeman Margaret B., The Iconography of the Merode Altarpiece [1957] >>
Lane Narbara G., Rogier’s Saint John and Miraflores Altarpieces Reconsidered [1978] >>
Marrow James, Symbol and Meaning in Northern European Art of the Late Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance [1986]>>